RCCP - Linear programming based heuristics

18 important questions on RCCP - Linear programming based heuristics

What are the differences between the two levels RCCP and RCPSP?

RCCP tactical level, time divided in work buckets
RCPSP operational schedule, smaller activities planned over time.

What is the objective of RCCP?

Minimizing project lateness and minimizing costs.

What is the objective of RCPSP?

Time-related objective such as minimizing makespan or minimizing lateness.
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What is the goal of RCCP?

Roughly match available and requiered resources

What is introduced to control feasibility, where feasibility is defined as no violation of the precedence relations.

ATW Allowed To Work window

What is an ATW window?

A time window for every job where
Sj is the starting time of the job in that week
Cj is the completion time for the job in that week

What is considered with each set S of ATW windows?

A linear programming problem Ps

When is a set of ATW windows feasible

Every ATW window is feasible when

What does the variable sjt mean and how do you formulate?

Indicates whether processing of job Jj is allowed in week t

What is the formulation of the assumptions of the for heuristic 1 and what do they mean?

See image.

[2] = equal to rj
[3] = Cj as large as possible

What are the improvement steps for heuristic 1 [3]?

  1. Set the starting time as small as possible;
  2. Set the completion time s large as possible;
  3. solve problem Ps

How are the jobs that violate precedence relations selected in heuristic 2? Consider Ji and Jj

Ji lowest index i that violates
Jj lowest index j that violates

How do you repair the following relation? (Heuristic 2)

See image.

What are repair rules (Tij) for heuristic 2, which one is the best?

  • Non-regular capacity used
  • work contents
  • total work contents
  • enumeration

What is the different repair rule used for heuristic 2?

Minimum slack repaired first

If we want to decrease Sj what happens?

Ck has to be decreased as well otherwise there is overlap.

What does perform better minimum slack repaired first or maximum slack repaired first? (Heuristic 2)

Minimum slack repaired first.

Maximum slack repaired first performs slightly worse and has longer computation times.

What are the 3 LP based heuristics for time driven RCCP?

1. Constructive
2. Make feasible
3. Improve feasible

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