Planning decisions in healthcare - Kortbeek

8 important questions on Planning decisions in healthcare - Kortbeek

What are the advantages of mixed walk in appointment systems?

  • Higher level of accessibility
  • More freedom for patients

What are the disadvantages of mixed walk in appointments systems?

  • High demand variability
  • High waiting times

One of the disadvantages of appointment systems is the potentially long access time why is this considered to be a disadvantage?

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What is the challenge considering mixed appointment systems?

Balance access time for appointment patients and waiting time for walk in patients

How can a balanced access time for appointment patients and low waiting time for walk-ins be achieved?

  • Schedule appointments when the expected walk-in demand is low
  • Smoothen the system in periods of high demand, offering a part of the walk in patients a different time slot.

What is a characteristic of walk-in demand?

Often cyclic

What are 2 CAS models?

  1. Access time evaluation
    Acces time for scheduled patients for any given capacity cycle;
  2. Day process evaluation
    Expected number of unscheduled patients cannot be seen on the day of arrival;

What is the goal of CAS?

  1. Unscheduled jobs to be served on the same day without long waiting times;
  2. Scheduled jobs to b reserved within an acceptable access time;

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