Planning decisions in healthcare - Cayirli

23 important questions on Planning decisions in healthcare - Cayirli

Considering the arrival process, what are [4] patient characteristics of patients arriving at a clinic, say something about them

  1. Unpunctuality of patients, patients arrive more early than late
  2. no shows (5% to 30%), affects performance AS heaviliy
  3. Presence walk-ins,  (regular and emergency), differs throughout the day but cyclic from day to day
  4. Presence of companions

What is the definition of service times and the distribution?

The time a patient requires doctors attention.
  • Exponential
  • Erlang

Consider consultation times, what does a shorter mean consultation time result in?

Lower patient waiting times
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Say something about the sensitivity of service times

Service times are very sensitive to change

What are 'gap times'?

All activities during a consultation session requiring doctors attention.

What does doctors unpunctuality result in?

A increase in patient waiting times rippling through the whole clinic session.

The queuing discipline is mostly FCFS what can violate/change this rule?

  • Patient unpunctuality
  • Priority rules

What are [2] cost-based measures?

  • Patients waiting time
  • Doctor's idle time

Give the definition of true waiting time?

Waiting time without including a patient walking in early.

Give the defintion of idle time

Total time a doctor is not consulting

What is a congestion measure?

Mean number of patients in the queue

Say something about the service for patients at the end of a clinic session?

  • Long waiting times
  • Truncated consultation times

How is an appointment rule of the appointment system build?

(ni, nl ai)
  • block-size: # of patients scheduled to the ith block.
  • Begin-block: # of patients given an identical appointment time at the start of session
  • Appointment interval: interval between two successive appointment times ai 

What is the main purpose of patient classification?

  • Sequence patients at the time of booking
  • Change appointment intervals based on service time characteristics.

Incorporating no-shows in an appointment schedule results in system improvement what are [2] ways to do this?

  • Overbooking
  • Shortening appointment intervals proportionally

Incorporating walk-in patients in the schedule smoothens patient flow what are [2] ways to do this?

  • Leaving open slots
  • Setting appointment interval relatively longer

Urgent slots can be done in [2] ways
  • early in the session
  • later in the session

What do they result in?

Early in the session
Average patient waiting time lower, fewer urgent patients are served

Later in the session
Lower idle time doctors, more urgent patients are served

What is the downside of analytical studies?

Assumption of steady-state behaviour which is very unrealistic and never reached in real clinic environment

What do simulation studies do?

They have the ability to model complex outpatient queuing systems and represent environment variables.

What are [2] important factors in an efficient operating of clinics?

  • Doctor punctuality
  • Realistic loading

What is meant with system earliness?

All factors that decrease the risk of idle time for doctors

What is a good performing variable interval rule?

Arrival with shorter intervals at the beginning of the day and longer intervalls towards the end

Grouping variability has a positive influence on utilization, what is a rule that performs reasonably well?

Plan low variance patients at the beginning of a session

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