Friedman, John. 1987. The meditations of radical planning, in Friedman, John, Planning in the public domain: from knowledge to action, Princeton, pp. 389-412
10 important questions on Friedman, John. 1987. The meditations of radical planning, in Friedman, John, Planning in the public domain: from knowledge to action, Princeton, pp. 389-412
What is the importance of transformative theory in radical planning?
What characterizes transformation theory according to John Friedman?
What is the central task of radical planning, as identified by transformation theory?
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How does knowledge become established among radical planners?
What are the key components of radical planning, and why must they be used together?
How does John Friedman describe the relationship between theory and practice in radical planning?
What role does the radical planner play in the process of transformative practice?
What are the key requirements for actors to be successful in strategic action, according to Friedman?
What dilemmas are associated with radical planning, as described by Friedman?
How does the state relate to radical planning, according to Friedman
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