Introducing Project Time Management - Sequencing Project Activities

6 important questions on Introducing Project Time Management - Sequencing Project Activities

How can activity sequencing be accomplished?

  • Computer driven
  • Manual process - easier to move around activities and dependencies
  • Blended approach - although a final sequence should at some point be determined

What are the inputs for activity sequencing for the project team?

  • The schedule management plan - defines and directs the process of sequencing the activities
  • The activity list
  • Activity attributes - e.g. successor and predecessor
  • Milestone list
  • The project scope statement
  • Organizational process assets - e..g historical information

What is the most common way of creating a network diagram?

'Activity on node' to illustrate the activities and the relationships between those activities. An example of this is the Precedence Diagramming Method The activities are put in circles or boxes and connected by arrows.
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What kind of relationships are distinguished in a PDM?

  • FS - finish to start - task A must be completed before task B can begin
  • SS - start to start - task A must start before task B can start
  • FF - finish to finish - task A must finish before task B can finish
  • SF- start to finish - task A must start before task B can finish (Just-in-time- scheduling)

What kind of dependencies between activities does one recognize?

  • Mandatory dependencies (hard logic)
  • Discretionary dependencies - preferred order, decisions should be documented (soft logic, preferred logic, preferential logic)
  • External dependencies
  • Internal dependencies (e.g. developing - testing)

What is the consequence of adding too much lead-time to a project?

  • This increases risk. When an abundance of lead time is used the project is often in a rush (rush in quality control, inspections and lead to project rejection from stakeholders)
  • Wonky scheduling issues.

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