Chemical bonds - Salts

4 important questions on Chemical bonds - Salts

What are the properties of salts

1. They are compounds of metals and non-metals
2. They conduct electricity in the liquid state and when dissolved in water
3. They are brittle (not flexible) in the solid state
4. Their melting points are high

How are the ions arranged in the ionic lattice

In such a way that ions with opposite charged are as close to each other as possible, and ions with the same charges as far as far as possible

When is a substane neutral

If the ions occur in the ratio 1/1
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How does it happen that a salt breaks when a force is applied to them

When part of the ionic lattice is pushed down by a force, the similair charges are pushed closer to each other and the opposite charges further away from each other. The repulsive forces then cause the lattice to fall apart and the substance (salt) breaks

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