Adoption - Political strategies with arenas

3 important questions on Adoption - Political strategies with arenas

Policy analysts acting as political entrepreneurs can often use one or more of four other (than shifting arena) general strategies:

  • Co-optation
  • Compromise
  • Heresthetics
  • Rhetoric

We use the word compromise to refer to substantive modifications of policy proposals intended to make them more politically acceptable. Desirable compromise involves making the smallest modifications necessary to attract the minimal number of additional supporters required for adoption. Two general strategies for successfully negotiating compromise:

  1. Remember that you are dealing with people who have emotions, beliefs, and personal interests (presentation just as important as content)
  2. Try to negotiate interest, rather than positions, so that mutually beneficial compromise can be found

The word heresthetics refers to strategies that attempt to gain advantage through manipulation of the circumstances of political choice. Heresthetical devices fall into two categories:

  • Manipulation of the agenda
  • Altering the dimension of evaluation -> when you are in a minority position, you can sometimes introduce a new consideration that splits the majority.

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