Representation and climate change

8 important questions on Representation and climate change

What is Robert Michels view of elitist models on democracy?

The iron law of oligarchy -> no matter how democratic you want your organization to be, there will always be a leader. You need a leadership class necessary for a sound and stable government

What does Max Weber finds about elitist models of democracy?

Democracy is about selecting leaders fit to administer the state's bureaucratic apparatus. The masses need to be a bit passive

What does Joseph Schumpeter think about elitist models of democracy?

He advocates a minimal, elitist form of democracy. Argues that the people are too emotional, too vulnerable for advertisement and campaigning. Politics is too complex for the masses
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What would Schumpeter argue we should do about climate policies?

Democracy is not the right way to decide about climate change. The people are too emotional and it is too complex for them to understand

What is the definition of a technocracy?

A country let by elites or experts. Who the experts are is a bit vague though. Governing is just as simple as a math-problem -> we have a problem and we have a solution, we just need to implement it. (where it differs from democracy; democracy says that there are more possible answers and that they are conflicting)

What are some attitudes about climate change in Europe?

The idea that climate change is not an issue, is no longer present. Not everybody is convinced that it is part of humans that the climate is changing

What does existing research say about what people are opposing climate policies?

- have less knowledge about climate change
- work in sectors afflicted by mitigation measures
- are male
- are older
- are lower educated

How does Huber answer his question?

Uses the following dependent variables:
- climate skepticism
- environmental protection
- environmental protection vs economic growth

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