Descriptive representation - readings

5 important questions on Descriptive representation - readings

What does the article of O'Brien and Rickne examine?

Whether or not quotas actually work. They do that by examining the newly introduced quota in the Swedish socialist Democratic Party, which made it the ideal experiment to check

What do O'Brien and Rickne find about the effect of quotas?

Quota increased the level of selection of female candidates in strongly treated municipalities. They facilitate the promotion of women in politics. Number of prospective female leaders also went up. They found that quotas help on the short term, but not for long

What did Bueno and Dunning find about racism in Brazilian politics?

There was not much racism at the voter level, but there was an overrepresentation of white people in politics. It is about racism at the structural level; getting more funds for the campaign
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What do Arnesen and Peters conclude about the case of descriptive representation in Norway?

Descriptive representation can help make policy preferences more visible. It reflects the characteristics. By increasing the descriptive representation, you are increasing the legitimacy.

What are arguments agains Arnesen and Peters' study?

In Norway the population is more or less homogeneous, how can you then make claims about descriptive representation? This study might be internally valid, but not good for generalization

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