The free market

11 important questions on The free market

What is the difference between market economy and market society?

- Market economy is a tool
- Market society is a way of life in which everything is for sale

Why should economy reconnect with big questions in public discourses?

- it is the only way to decide as a democratic society about economic morals
- it is the only way to elevate the terms of our public discourses

What are two implications for the way that we do economy; namely with thinking that some other values are at stake when trading?

- economics assume that the value will not depend on whether or not there was a market relation -> not good to look at economy as a value neutral science

- public discourses have been narrowed from its meaning; too many people believe too deeply in their morals
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What are ethical arguments against the US-system of blood donation and that also has implications for economists?

If you allow selling blood, you devalue the value of giving a stranger. From a pure economic point of view, both sides would be better off. But it forgets that economists still have a moral tasks to manage demoral dimensions

What are arguments in favour of the market?

- pareto
- profit induces production
- product induces innovation
- product and innovation produce quality
- most efficient path to raising welfare
- it makes you dependent on others and on society

What are arguments agains the market?

- invisible hand is a slap in the face
- sometimes no room to learn and improve your shopping list
- it takes force to get providers to improve
- producers can abuse your trust, resulting in imperfect exchanges

What is justice in exchange according to Aristotle?

- free choice
- free exchange
- free trade = fair trade

What is justice in exchange for Wolff and Sandel?

- blocked exchange
- core: you just do not sell that
- by definition unjust

What are two questions in the classical debate about the free market?

- when is it fair?
- what can actually be sold on the free market?

Are we for or against the free market, considering everything about this lecture?

The question actually seems to be: are specific deontic objections timeless or are cultural/religious/temporal prejudices present?

What are the lessons learned from this lecture about the free market?

- we cannot trust our baseline instinct suggesting that some practice is obviously right or wrong
- for one ideal theory is more useful
- challenging our baseline convictions

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