Safety and security

12 important questions on Safety and security

Why is safety more than just setting standards, according to Wolff?

It is also about getting them accepted and implementing. There is a limit to what standards alone can do

What are pro's and con's of standards in terms of ignorance?

Pro -> the seller knows more and buyer needs protection
Con -> personal responsibility and it is your own choice to decide what you want

What are some pro's and con's about standards in terms irrationality?

Pro -> individuals are bad at rationally assessing risks
Con -> more paternalism
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What are some side notes about standards in ignorance?

It is rational to deceive. But in the free market equal power is on the basis. Standards are the next best thing

What are side notes about standards in irrationality?

Moral hazard -> people will take more risks when they know they are safe
It is a slippery slope -> it will only invite the government to determine more

What are some pro's and con's about standards in terms of corporate interest?

- pro -> bad PR when something goes wrong
- con -> it is just about a cost/benefit calculation

What are some pro's and con's about standards in terms of objectivity?

- pro -> critically comparing cases, determining odds
- con -> safety is a feeling, there are no objective standards

Why is it impossible not to put a price on life if you design standards?

- immorality
- impossibility

What are the lessons learned about safety and security?

- both consequenjtionalism and deontology appeal
- all cases are framed
- there are no clean hands

When are radical measures justified in times of war?

Supreme emergency -> an imminent and extreme threat

What are things that you have to take into account when determining radical measures?

- proportionality
- urgency

What are arguments for extreme measures in war?

- retaliation -> all you end up with is revenge, but is not very moral
- necessity -> bit tricky, is it really necessary to kill innocent people
- efficiency -> most effective

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