Compromise and integrity

10 important questions on Compromise and integrity

What are the three conceptions of integrity?

1. Staying true to public standards for behaviour
2. Staying true to your principles
3. Staying true to yourself

What are three definitions of Politik as Beruf in the text from Weber?

1. Professionalism -> taking the job seriously
2. Family tradition -> doing it because it is common in your family
3. Calling/vocation -> doing it because you are intrinsically driven

What is Verantwortungsethik according to Weber?

It is the ethics of responsibility which means that you might need to get your hands dirty if you want to reach your goal. You have to compromise if you want to reach the goal
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What is Gesinnungsethik according to Weber?

The ethics of ultimate ends is about absolutely following your ideas without willing to compromise. Your ideas are the only ones that matter

Why can it be problematic if you are committing to a cause so bad you do not want to give in?

1. Prinzipienreiterei -> you start to become unreasonable
2. Ducking responsibility

What and why is according to Luban the best way to negotiate?

PPP -> positive sum, Pareto optimality, principled bargaining. Luban prefers it because it is stable, especially opposed to POP

What are grounds for improvement in order to make the PPP-strategy of negotiating more successful?

1. We need to have a better definition of the self and the other
2. We need to have measures and criteria for Pareto and Profit
3. Criterion for success
4. Definition of procedural and outcome fairness

What do we need to do according to Benjamin if we encounter principles that we cannot negotiate about?

We need to work around them and find a way to work together and respect the principles of the other party

What are the circumstances of compromise according to Benjamin?

1. Factual and metaphysical uncertainty
2. Moral complexity
3. Continuing cooperative relations
4. Impending nondeferrable decisions
5. Limited resources

When can you compromise as non-betrayal according to Benjamin?

1. If the circumstances are met
2. If no unanimous solution exists
3. If you acted sincerely and correctly

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