Political ideas and ideologies - Classical ideological traditions - Conservatism
6 important questions on Political ideas and ideologies - Classical ideological traditions - Conservatism
When and why did conservatism arise?
When did conservative ideas/doctrines first emerge and what divisions were there?
- In continental europe: autocratic and reactionary conservatism. Rejecting any idea of reform.
- In UK and USA: more successful form. Change in order to conserve. --> this led to conservatists in the 19th century to embrace the cause of social reform (under paternalistic banner of 'One Nation').
-1970s: New Right; anti-statist and anti-paternalistic.
Which political philosophies are the most fitting for the new right and what is their combination?
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What is the primary neoliberal goal?
What are the central pillars of neoliberalism?
Belief that unregulated market capitalism will deliver efficiency, growth and widespread prosperity.
Nanny state breeds a culture of dependence and undermines freedom (freedom of choice).
What is neoliberal globalization?
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