Possibilities of Positive CBT (Bannink)

7 important questions on Possibilities of Positive CBT (Bannink)

What are the main factors that are positive in traditional CBT? (5)

1. Building hope
2. Focus on strengths
3. Focus on helpful cognitions and beliefs
4. Collaborative case conceptualization
5. Use of imagery

What are important factors in building hope? (3)

1. Important for health and well-being: it is a source of strength and healing
2. Reducing hopelessness doesn't increase hope (which was the initial focus)
3. Clients in crisis benefit from regaining confidence in their personal competencies and a future-oriented approach

What is the use of focusing on helpful cognitions and beliefs? (2)

1. Assist clients to identify and reality-test unhelpful cognitions
2. To develop more adaptive cognitions that can give rise to a more positive cognitive triad
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How can a collaborative case conceptualization be made and used? (3)

1. Describe the issue and explain it to relieve stress and build resilience
2. Guides therapy and actively identifies and incorporates clients' strengths
3. Work with clients' strengths at every stage of the conceptualization

What is the difference between a problem-focused perspective in using imagery and a solution-focused one?

From a problem-focused perspective, images are removed or transformed. From a solution-focused perspective, new images are created or old ones are enhanced.

What is imagery rescripting?

A problem-focused imagery technique in which a distressing image is modified in some way to change associated negative thoughts, feelings, and/or behavior.

What positive effect can a positive image of oneself in the future have?

It can motivate action by helping people to articulate their goals clearly and develop behaviors that will alow them to fulfill those goals

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