Positive interpersonal processes

7 important questions on Positive interpersonal processes

What are the explanations for the finding that high-quality relationships influence behaviors central to everyday functioning and that they are associated with happiness and mental health, physical health, and longer life?

High quality relationship partners may help you calm down, or people in high-quality relationship may fight less (intense)

What is a positive interpersonal process?

A social dynamic wherein one person's thoughts, feelings, and behavior changes another's, which is fuelled by positive emotion

How is amusement (shared laughter) associated with high-quality relationships?

The extent to which couples share laughter is positively associated with their feelings of closeness and safety with each other. It suggests that the people involved see the world in the same way
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How does the way someone reacts influence the effect of capitalizing?

The more the partner responds in an active and constructive way, the more the discloser feels that the partner understands, validates, and cares about them. These reactions are taken as a clear signal of love and support and take as a signal that they will be supportive in the future. This sense of security is a robust predictor of mental and physical health

What is the function of gratitude?

It draws out attention to people who have just demonstrated that they get out needs and are motivated to look out for us. It binds us more closely with a kind person.

What is the function of thanking in gratitude?

By thanking benefactors, our satisfaction with the relationship with the other

What are other positive emotions that should drive social interactions? (6)

1. Love
2. Awe
3. Pride
4. Admiration
5. Curiosity
6. Interest

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