Microlectures - Burnout and diversity

5 important questions on Microlectures - Burnout and diversity

What are the dimensions of burn-out? (3)

1. Physically and mentally exhausted
2. Feeling of distance & distancing
3. Low mood and irritation towards other people, and feeling less competent at work

Why is there still a lot of discussion about the diagnostics of burnout?

Because the definitions vary across countries, and there is an overlap of symptoms with other disorders/problems

What does treatment for burnout entail? (4)

1. Focus on lifestyle balance and changing unhealthy behaviors
2. Cognitive therapy to identify dysfunctional cognitions
3. Resumption of work and fostering positive work engagement
4. Learning other coping behaviors
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What are the specific risk factors to accompany the experience of having migrated? (4)

1. Traumatic circumstances in the country that they left or experiences during the journey
2. Discrimination, poverty, unemployment, small social network
3. Remigration issues
4. Finding a way between two cultures

What are the problems in mental healthcare regarding diversity? (4)

1. Higher drop-out and no-show rates
2. Lack of evidence for transcultural treatments
3. Problems in contact between client and therapist
4. Superficial or too static view of the culture

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