Microlectures - Treatment mood disorders

15 important questions on Microlectures - Treatment mood disorders

What are the starting point of the treatment of depression? (2)

1. Stepped care model with mild and severe depression. Important to educate patients before going further into the treatment
2. Intensity of the treatment depends on severity, type, and duration of the depression

What is always part of a treatment of depression?

Recognition, assessment, and initial management of depression. The initial management is done by the GP, who also considers if there is a physical explanation for the depression.

What does treatment look like for people with a subthreshold depression, mild/moderate depression, or symptoms that last less than three months?

They receive initial management and advice from the GP. Besides, low intensity interventions can be performed in a group or on an individual base.
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What does treatment look like for people with persistent subthreshold depression, mild/moderate depression, or symptoms that last more than three months?

There are several treatment options, such as CBT, interpersonal psychotherapy, behavioral activation, behavioral couple therapy, or medication. A last resort is to combine different strategies.

What does treatment look like for people suffering or relapsing from a complex and severe depression, or that have a recurrent episode?

They have to be referred to specialist mental health services. Patients with psychotic symptoms need to be treated with medication.

What are the different treatment possibilities? (5)

1. Behavioral activation
2. Cognitive (behavioral) therapy
3. Interpersonal psychotherapy
4. Positive psychological treatments
5. Pharmacotherapy

What is the goal of behavioral activation in depression?

To diminish passivity and get more structure in the daily routines

What is the goal of CBT in depression and on what assumption is it based?

To diminish negative thoughts and prevent relapse. It is based on the assumption that emotions are not a reaction to reality, but to the way a person perceives reality.

What is the goal of interpersonal psychotherapy for depression?

The goal is to diminish negative thoughts by improving interpersonal functioning. It is a relatively short therapy that focuses on interpersonal contacts.

What are the different foci in interpersonal therapy? (4)

1. Bereavement
2. Interpersonal conflict
3. Interpersonal role change
4. Interpersonal shortage

What are the different phases of interpersonal therapy? (3)

1. Phase 1: diagnostics and education
2. Phase 2: determine the focus
3. Phase 3: treatment

What is the focus on positive psychological treatments (like ACT, MBCT, or WBT)?

The goal is to enhance positive experiences instead of reducing symptoms by improving well-being. This can be through the acceptance of difficult internal experiences, value-consistent behavior, and relapse prevention.

What is the assumption of positive psychological treatments for depression?

It assumes that depression becomes recurrent because we ruminate about negative thoughts and emotions and through experiential avoidance.

What is done in the first two sessions of WBT? (4)

1. Provide psycho-education about WBT
2. Identify episodes of well-being
3. Restructuring thoughts that interrupted periods of well-being
4. Ryff's Scales of Psychological Well-Being

What is done in sessions 3-8 in WBT? (3)

1. One or two dimensions of psychological well-being are chosen
2. Modules of three sessions to develop skills that promote psychological well-being
3. Focus on positive experiences

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