Microlectures - Depressive disorder

7 important questions on Microlectures - Depressive disorder

What are the other symptoms connected to the four main areas?

1. Emotional (negative experiences, feeling sad/empty/hopelessness, and observed by others)
2. Cognitive (diminished ability to think/concentrate/decide, diminished attention and memory skills and underestimating their own abilities and overestimating the difficulty of a task, negative thoughts, and cognitive triad)
3. Physical (fatigue, loss of energy, significant weight loss without dieting, psychomotor retardation, or agitation)
4. Behavioral (withdrawal from social contact, passivity, and loss of daily routine)

What are the requirements for a diagnosis of depression? (3)

1. Five or more symptoms have been present during the same two-week period
2. The onset represents a change from the previous functioning
3. At least one of the main symptoms is present

What are the different screening questionnaires that can be used for depression? (3)

1. Becks Depression Inventory (BDI)
2. Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale
3. Automatic Thought Questionnaire (ATQ, optional)
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What are the different semi-structural interviews that can be used for depression? (2)

1. Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI)
2. Structural Clinical Interview DSM-V (SCID-V)

What are the main statistics for depression? (5)

1. Life-time prevalence: 15%, 1 year: 5,5%
2. Mean age 1st depression 25 (lower for low income)
3. 2:1 (women-men)
4. 75% suffers from another psychiatric disorder, which comes along with a higher suicide risk
5. 40% relapse during the first 10 months presides by low quality of life and lack of well-being

What is the main similarity and the main difference between depression and GAD?

The negative thoughts are an identical symptom, but in GAD these are merely about the future.

What is the main similarity and the main difference between depression and a psychotic disorder?

Identical is the roughness of the thoughts, but in depressed patients the reality testing is intact.

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