Microlectures - Positive psychology for bipolar disorder

10 important questions on Microlectures - Positive psychology for bipolar disorder

To what factors is bipolar disorder linked to? (3)

1. Poor functioning
2. High healthcare- and productivty-related costs
3. Rates of premature death and suicide

Why are depressive episodes particularly problematic in bipolar disorder? (5)

1. Experiences more frequently than manic symptoms
2. Independently associated with functional impairment in multiple life domains
3. 18-fold risk of attempted suicide compared to other phases
4. Few effective treatments
5. First line interventions are commonly associated with side effects, require substantial time to become efficacious, and may not lead to a full remission of depressive symptoms

With what positive factors is CBT related to bipolar disorder? (3)

1. Improved functioning
2. Greater life satisfaction
3. Reduced rates of relapse
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What are the cons of CBT for bipolar disorder? (2)

1. Intensive
2. Require specialised provider training

Why are PPIs promising as an adjunctive treatment for bipolar disorder?

PPIs may be able to improve well-being and reduce depression, which is important as depression and pessimism are linked to an increase in risk for suicide

What was the set-up of the study?

It was a single-blind, two-site randomized trial of a four-week, telephone-based PPI for patients with an acute depressive episode of BD. Both groups started one week prior to discharge.

What were the outcomes regarding the feasibility and acceptability of the study? (2)

1. On average 3 out of 4 exercises were completed
2. Participants found the PPI to be subjectively helpful, and neither too easy nor too difficult to complete

What were the outcomes of the study regarding hopelessness and optimism?

There were significant reductions in hopelessness and increases in optimism

What were the outcomes of the study regarding positive psychological constructs?

The greatest impact was in positive affect, there was a marginally significant increase in gratitude and significant improvement in optimism at 8 weeks post-test

What are the main conclusions of this research? (2)

1. Telephone-delivered, four-week PPI is potentially useful as an adjunctive treatment for the managements of depression in patients with BD
2. Positive psychology is straightforwards and requires little provider training, which is why it could be used in resource-poor settings and can be accessed by patients remotely

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