Microlectures - Application of life review therapy

5 important questions on Microlectures - Application of life review therapy

What are the different applications of life review therapy? (4)

1. Older adults with depressive symptoms
2. People with intellectual disabilities with psychiatric symptoms
3. Empowering stories
4. Younger people (reflecting on who you are and where you come from, and connecting it to who you want to be as a professional)

About what parts of their life do people write when writing an 'empowering story'? (3)

1. The past
2. Important turning points in life
3. The present and the future

For what target group is the intervention 'an empowering story' intended?

For people with personality disorders, with a focus to stimulate/promote their personal recovery (rather than focusing on symptoms), by using a narrative approach
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What is the challenge in research aimed at making the intervention 'an empowering story' evidence-based?

That there is more to it besides RCTs. It also needs professional expertise, and it must fit the values and preferences of clients.

What are the results from a development study on the intervention 'an empowering story'?

More clients like the general narrative approach, the focus on recovery, the idea of the triptych, as well as the design of the intervention.

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