Microlectures - Theories about gratitude

6 important questions on Microlectures - Theories about gratitude

How is gratitude related to moral effect?

Gratitude typically results from and stimulates moral behavior. Expressing gratitude could be seen as a moral reinforcer.

What are the factors that influence the degree to which we experience gratitude as an emotion? (3)

1. The amount of cost involved
2. When assessed as genuine helpfulness
3. The amount of value for yourself

What are the influences of benefit appraisals that are central to the experienced state gratitude? (2)

1. Trait gratitude
2. Situational factors

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What are the proposed characteristics of grateful people? (3)

1. Sense of abundance
2. Appreciation of simple pleasures in everyday life
3. Appreciation of contribution of others to one's well-being

What are the steps in the positive spiral of gratitude? (7)

1. Gratitude (positive emotion)
2. More awareness of the positive event
3. More joy about the positive events
4. More feelings and emotions of positivity and well-being
5. Increased positive interpretations of other's behavior
6. Building of relationships - more resilience
7. Good outcomes lead to more gratitude

What are the steps in the negative spiral for gratitude (amplifying shortage)? (7)

1. Experience of deficiency or scarcity
2. More awareness of negative events
3. More attention to negative events
4. Increased feelings of depression and other unpleasant emotions
5. More likely to interpret the behavior of others in a negative way
6. Less resilience
7. Continued experience of deficiency and scarcity

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