Microlectures - Meaning in life

6 important questions on Microlectures - Meaning in life

What are the differences between happiness and meaning? (4)

1. Satisfying one's needs and wants - expressing the self (personal identity)
2. Present-oriented (feelings right now) - long-term focus (integration)
3. Self-oriented - other-oriented
4. Hedonia - eudaimonia

What are the main concepts of meaning in life? (4)

1. Coherence (cognitive)
2. Purpose (motivational)
3. Significance (evaluative)
4. Connectedness (meta)

What is coherence about in meaning in life?

It is about understanding and a sense of comprehensibility about the way that events fit together. Stories are a good way to make sense of events
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What is significance about in meaning in life?

About looking back on life and the things that you have done, and feeling that life is inherently valuable and worth living. It is about a sense of self-worth and moral worth (mattering)

What is connectedness about in meaning in life? (3)

Experiencing a relation to:
1. The world and things
2. People and humanity
3. The mystery of being (the notion of the spiritual)

What is the relationship between meaning and the PERMA model/PP 2.0?

Both include meaning. At some point, there was recognition that only focusing on the positive sides can be harmful to well-being, thus a more balanced view emerged

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