In search of the best evidence for life review therapy to reduce depressive symptoms in older adults: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

6 important questions on In search of the best evidence for life review therapy to reduce depressive symptoms in older adults: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

What is important about the backgroud of life review therapy? (3)

1. It builds on naturally occurring processes later in life
2. It entails attributing meaning to positive and negative memories across the lifespan
3. It can be used as a therapeutic intervention to reduce depressive symptoms in older adults

What do studies on reminiscence, life review, autobiographical memory, and narrative psychology show?

That the past is subject to important interpretative processes and that personal meaning is pertinent in regulating identity development, well-being, and mental health across the life span

When can the outcome of life review therapy be pathological and when can it be successful?

When individuals experience feelings of guilt and regret about mistakes and missed opportunities. It can be successful when people resolve, accept, and integrate memories into a larger whole.
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What are the focuses of the meta-analysis in this paper? (3)

1. Interventions that use life review as a therapeutic treatment
2. Interventions built on a process of life review, characterized by a focus on the evaluation, acceptance, and integration across the life span, and/or focus on ego integrity
3. An evaluation of different phases across the life span

What are the important discussion points? (5)

1. Life review has moderate effects that sustain over time for older adults with depressive symptomatology
2. More evidence for the maintenance of effects for follow-ups up to 1 year is needed
3. It can be integrated into everyday practice with generic psychological competences
4. Before utilizing, it should be checked whether limitations in speech, hearing, cognitive functioning, and mobility prohibit participation  
5. Possible as individual, group, online or blended therapy

What are the benefits of offering life review therapy in a group? (3)

1. Social exchange
2. Social support
3. Learning from others

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