Microlectures - Life review therapy: theory and evidence

6 important questions on Microlectures - Life review therapy: theory and evidence

In what way are memories dynamic?

They are reconstructed every time that they are relived or retold

What is one of the basic ideas behind life review therapy?

That we can have varying memories (happy/sad) and we often want to erase the sad memories. It has shown to have a strong effect on depressive symptoms

What are the different reminiscence functions? (3)

1. Social (facilitate bonding)
2. Instrumental (solutions used in the past or reminiscing positive memories to cope)
3. Integrative (meaning construction and identity development)
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In what way can the self-memory system help us understand the different levels of reflection in life review? (3)

1. Description
2. Autobiographical reasoning (one specific memory linked to the conceptual self)
3. Autobiographical integration (relating all the different episodic memories to one another to formulate a life history)

What is known about depressed people in relation to the self-memory system?

That they have difficulties at all three levels of reflection

What are the different interventions that use reminiscence? (3)

1. Reminiscence interventions (social function)
2. Life review interventions (integrate positive and negative memories)
3. Life review therapy (mostly on people with mental disorders, who tend to think in a negative way about their own past; evidence-based for depressive symptoms)

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