Microlectures - Wonderful life intervention

6 important questions on Microlectures - Wonderful life intervention

What are the important factors of the intervention? (6)

1. Purpose is to enhance a sense of meaning in life
2. Sharing and reflection on meaningful moments
3. Generic target group
4. Group intervention for 8-12 participants
5. Facilitated by an experienced counselor
6. One session (3-6 hours)

What is the difference between analytical and narrative thinking?

Analytical thinking is about facts/giving order/categorizing things, while narrative thinking is about connecting facts into a meaningful whole.

How does the wonderful life intervention have its foundation in narrative psychology? (3)

1. Through the stories we tell, we reflect our identity and core values
2. Working with narratives is different from analytical thinking
3. Similar events can be attributed to different meanings by different people. Narrative psychology thus aims to go beyond the simple facts
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What are the different intervention steps? (7)

1. Welcome (open/appreciative/relaxing atmosphere so participants can enter with their whole being)
2. Choosing (presented with the question and picking a moment)
3. Sharing (share chosen memories in a narrative way, giving and receiving short reflections)
4. Reflecting (use feedback to reflect on and attempt to grasp the essence of the chosen memory)
5. Writing (composing a letter for the future: actions or lessons)
6. Sharing (letters are shared)
7. Closure (reflecting on the experience)

What is central to the wonderful life intervention?

Asking people which moment is the most important to them - which one they would take to eternity with them if they had to pick one

How does a sense of meaning emerge in the process of sharing meaningful moments? (5)

1. Meaning is physically felt
2. Participants felt a deeper connection to other participants
3. Connecting to humanity and human values through shared experiences
4. Deeper understanding and thus connection to self by diving into the memory
5. Experiencing that it is a transforming event

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