Microlectures - positive emotions: broaden and build theory

5 important questions on Microlectures - positive emotions: broaden and build theory

What are the two axes of the circumplex model of affect? (2)

1. Pleasure - threat
2 Low arousal - high arousal

What are the key features of the broaden-and-build theory? (3)

1. Positive emotions help us broaden our scope of attention as opposed to negative emotions
2. Broadened attention helps us build op resources
3. The resources built up can help us improve our well-being

What are the main functions of positive emotions? (2)

1. Motivation
2. Consequenced (personal growth & development)
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What do positive emotions produce that can initiate a positive chain reaction? (6)

1. Broader overview
2. More flexibility
3. See more possibilities and solutions
4. More creative
5. More connected with other people
6. More helpful, generous, and forgiving

What does the ''three good things'' exercise consist of and what is the effect of the exercise?

You have to write or tell someone about three good things that happened that day. This helps people to see the positive thing (acknowledge/appreciate/gratefulness)

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