The effect of positive psychology interventions on well-being and distress in clinical samples with psychiatric or somatic disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis

3 important questions on The effect of positive psychology interventions on well-being and distress in clinical samples with psychiatric or somatic disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Why would PPI's be relevant for clinical populations? (2)

1. Low levels of well-being may persist after psychopathology has been treated
2. High levels of well-being can buffer against psychological symptomatology, including relapse or recurrence of symptoms, and generally enhance the quality of life and longevity

What are the main findings of the meta-analysis on the effect of PPIs in clinical samples? (4)

1. Significant, small effect at post-intervention for well-being (significant/moderate at follow-up and significantly higher with therapist guidance)
2. Significant, small effect at post-intervention for anxiety (same at follow-up)
3. Significant, moderate effect at post-intervention for anxiety (same at follow-up, but non-significant when low-quality studies were removed)
4. No significant effect at post-intervention for stress (no follow-up conducted)

What are the main conclusions from this article? (3)

1. Findings are promising for PPI's in clinical populations, when the focus is on eliciting positive feelings, cognitions, or behaviors
2. Guided PPI's may be more effective
3. PPI's with a longer duration had a significant effect on well-being, while the shorter ones (<8 weeks) did not

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