Microlectures - Posttraumatic Growth - Psychosocial interventions

8 important questions on Microlectures - Posttraumatic Growth - Psychosocial interventions

What mechanisms are proposed that explain the effect of self-exporession or disclosure? (3)

1. Disclosure may disinhibit emotional processes
2. It may help a person habituate to trauma-related thoughts
3. May generate insight and meaning

What are the effects of written or spoken self-expression/disclosure? (3)

1. Often alleviates distress
2. Reliably diminishes PTSD-symptoms and depression
3. Unclear whether it fosters growth

In what ways can CBT foster PTG? (2)

1. Replacement of inaccurate beliefs with accurate, positive beliefs is related to the growth domain of personal strength
2. CBT trains skills that promote growth (seeking social support, sharing vulnerabilities, engaging in meaningful activities, and using coping skills
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In what way does cognitive-behavioral stress management foster growth?

By training people to become aware of sources of stress, notice indicators of stress, replace negative thoughts, recruit social support, and use coping skills like relaxation.

What is known about novel psychosocial interventions that directly promote growth? (3)

1. Might be harmful because it can set high expectations
2. They draw from different approaches and theoretical orientations
3. They have not yet been tested in RCTs, so the effects remain unclear

What is known about the effect of the approach of different interventions to enhance PTG?

The approach may predict how much PTG is reported. It can be more directive (CBT) or more expressive (undirected self-disclosure)

What is known about the effect of the approach of different interventions to enhance PTG?

They are single brief session interventions vs. interventions that take place over multiple weeks. Longer interventions could be expected to cultivate PTG more effectively.

What is known about the relationship between the alleviation of stress and increased PTG?

There could be a link between these two factors, but the (nature of the) relationship between distress and growth is unclear (contradictive findings have been reported)

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