The model for sustainable mental health: Future directions for integrating positive psychology into mental health care

19 important questions on The model for sustainable mental health: Future directions for integrating positive psychology into mental health care

What are important criticisms on the traditional focus on pathology in psychology? (3)

1. It tends to over-medicalize and pathologize various forms of suffering
2. Categories of psychological disorders are socially constructed, do not represent actual discrete phenomena, and are thus limited in facilitating indications for specific treatment
3. The positive dimensions of life have long been overlooked

How is enduring or complete mental health conceptualized?

As having no psychopathology and presence of well-being

How is well-being conceptualized?

As a way of living a satisfying, hopeful, and contributing life (despite illness)
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What do various models of well-being focus on? (6)

1. Mental health above normal
2. Positive psychology
3. Maturity
4. Social-emotional intelligence
5. Subjective well-being
6. Resilience    

These are probably all aspects of well-being

Why are adaptation processes included in the model for sustainable health?

As it is not realistic to expect that people strive for continuous optimal states of no mental illness and the constant presence of mental well-being. It fluctuates, so the way people regulate their mental well-being is important

What are the components of the model for sustainable mental health? (7)

1. Spectrum of psychological treatments and interventions
2. Barriers for adaption
3. Sources for adaption
4. Ability to adapt
5. Contextual and cultural factors
6. Psychopathology
7. Well-being

What is the role of contextual factors in the model?

They can cause or maintain dysfunctional/maladaptive cognitions or behaviors related to mental illness or distress, but can also enhance the sources

What components does well-being entail/ (3)

1. Feeling well
2. Effective functioning of an individual
3. Effective functioning of the individual within a community

What factors does the concept of flourishing entail?

It is a combination of high hedonic (emotional) well-being and high eudemonic (social and psychological) well-being

What are the measurements of well-being? (4)

1. The Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) and Negative Affect Scale (PANAS) are often used to assess hedonic well-being
2. Basic Need Satisfaction Scale (developed from SDT) and the Flourishing scale could be used to assess eudemonic aspects
3. PERMA profiler assesses aspects of both hedonic and eudemonic aspects
4. The MHC-SF assesses all theoretically derived aspects of emotional, psychological, and social well-being

What are the different relations between well-being and psychopathology? (4)

1. Higher levels of well-being reduce the risk of mental health problems
2. People with low levels of well-being are more likely to meet the cut-off score for clinical depression a decade on
3. Well-being positively influences recovery from disorder
4. The buffering effect may be because positive characteristics are helpful in successful coping/adaptation to negative life-events

Why is it important to understand how people regulate their mental health?

Because both continua are likely to fluctuate across time in a dynamic reciprocal process

What distinction is made between different types of adaptive challenges? (3)

1. Short-term: require processes of coping mainly focused on the reduction of stress
2. Intermediate: require self-management and e.g. adopting lifestyle changes
3. Longer term: require assimilation and accommodation of life goals, identity, and meaning in life

In what way could there be a spectrum of psychological treatments?

Treatments could be distinguished by targeting barriers (CBT) or resources WBT/PPIs).

Where should ACT be placed on the spectrum of psychological treatments?

Somewhere along the spectrum, linking behavioral principles of psychological flexibility to pathology and flourishing.

What are the four lines of research conducted on the impact?

1. To include the MHC-SF in large panel studies in the general Dutch population alongside instruments to assess psychopathology and mental illness
2. Collaboration with mental health care institutes (adjusting MHC-SF and informing about relevance)
3. Develop new interventions that align with the model of sustainable mental health and evaluate the impact of these
4. Psychological treatments for people with more severe mental health problems

What are the preliminary outcomes of research on new interventions that align with the model of sustainable mental health? (2)

1. (Guided) self-help interventions are promising and can be as effective as F2F treatment
2. Early interventions can have substantial and sustainable impact on mental well-being and mental illness (partially mediated by ability to adapt and positive resources)

What are the preliminary outcomes of research focused on psychological treatments for people with more severe mental health problems? (2)

1. WBT is more effective than TAU for people with low levels of well-being at baseline
2. They can be helpful for people suffering from more severe illnesses

What are the challenges to the implementation of sustainable mental health care? (2)

1. Contemporary clinical psychology is still mostly focused on pathology and dysfunctionality
2. Developing and implementing interventions that are tailored to the needs of people across cultures and education levels

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