Microlectures - Positive psychology: an introduction

10 important questions on Microlectures - Positive psychology: an introduction

What are the main theories of mental well-being? (4)

1. Self-determination theory
2. PERMA model
3. Two-continua model
4. Positive mental health model

What is the result when the basic needs from the SDT are fulfilled?

You feel intrinsically motivated and engaged. This can help to enhance performance and well-being. These needs should be somewhat balanced.

What do the letters in the PERMA model stand for? (5)

1. P: Positive emotion
2. E: Engagement
3. R: Relationship
4. M: Meaning
5. A: Accomplishment
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What are the requirements for flourishing?

You need to have at least one of the emotional/subjective well-being aspects, and at least sic of the social and/or psychological well-being aspects

What is the difference between hedonic and eudaimonic well-being?

Hedonic well-being is similar to emotional/subjective well-being and eudaimonic well-being to social well-being and psychological well-being

Of what element does emotional well-being consist? (3)

1. Happiness
2. Interest in life
3. Life satisfaction

Of what elements does social well-being consist? (5)

1. Social contribution
2. Social integration
3. Social actualisation
4. Social acceptation
5. Social coherence

What are positive psychological interventions?

They are aimed at increasing positive feelings, behaviors or cognitions as opposed to ameliorating pathology or fixing negative thoughts of maladaptive behavior patterns

What is a recent development regarding positive psychology interventing?

Where PPIs were initially focussed on single components, there is now a shift to multicomponent PPIs.

What are examples of multicomponent PPIs? (4)

1. Positive Psychotherapy
2. Mindfulness-Based Strengths Practice
3. Using Positive Psychology Every day
4. Well-being Therapy

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