Microlectures - Generalised anxiety disorder

6 important questions on Microlectures - Generalised anxiety disorder

What are the symptoms of a generalised anxiety disorder? (7)

1. Restlessness
2. Fatigue
3. Excessive anxiety and worry
4. Increased muscle aches and soreness
5. Impaired concentration
6. Irritability
7. Difficulty sleeping

What are the DSM-V criteria for GAD (in short) (6)

1. Presence of excessive anxiety and worry about a variety of topics for at least six months
2. Worry is experienced as hard to control
3. At least three of the symptoms
4. It causes personal distress and impairment of functioning in one or more domains
5. Not explained by medication/somatic disorder
6. Not explained better by another mental disorder (PD/SAD/OCD)

What are CBT treatments for GAD? (3)

1. Socratic dialogue
2. Thought-record
3. Behavioral experiments
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What are the different types of worries that are distinguished in the meta-cognitive model of GAD?

1. Type 1: normal worry
2. Type 2: worry about worry

What are the different consequences of worrying about worry? (3)

1. Behavior (e.g. not doing anything anymore because then you worry less)
2. Thought control (e.g. excessively thinking about worries and trying to control it)
3. Emotion  (e.g. you are so stressed because you worry all the time, which worries you even more)

What are the steps in the worry decision tree? (5)

1. Start by noticing the worry
2. Identify what you are worried about
3. Decide whether there is a problem that you can do something about
4. Devise an action plan if there is a current problem and let the worry go by changing focus of attention
5. Let it go if it is a hypothetical situation and let it go by shifting focus

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