Summary: Ppqc
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1 Introduction Scheduling
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Four basic design decisions
1.Direction of Flow
-undirectional (flowshop)
-Multidirectional (jobshop)
2.Management structure
-Product layout
-Process layout
3.Physical layout
-Product ->
-Dock ->
-Process ->
Each unit can have multiple internal units in any flow, management structure and layout. -
Product Layout Vs Process Layout
Speed (efficiency)
Transport Time
Waiting Time (Cheap, but flexibility decreases)
Changeover Time (Costly, machines are idle and people work)
Usually short
Processing time
Short -
2 Lean Production
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The efficient flow is disrupted by
Efficiency is disrupted by unnecessary activities
-Job shops
-High setup times
-Machine disruptions
-Defect in products rework
-Individual differences in processing times
-Unreliable suppliers -
Statical Process Control
In manufacturing context, the less consistent and predictive a process is, the more it costs. SPC uses histograms and control charts and will reduce variations and lower the costs. -
Four steps of JIDOKA
-Discover abnormality
-Fix the problem immediately
-Investigate and correct root cause -
3 Maintenance management
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Structure of Maintenance types
1.Corrective Maintenance2. Preventive Maintenance
2.1 Time based maintenance
2.1.1 Age based maintenance
2.1.2 Block based maintenance
2.2 Condition based maintenance
2.2.1 Continious monitoring
2.2.2 Inspections
2.3 Opportunistic Maintenance -
4 Flows
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Variability is the root of all evil, 6 types of variability
Processing times,
Customer orders,
Production sequence,
Maintenance, -
SMED and setup activities
Single Minute Exchange of Dies
Typical setup activities- Getting and returning tools (external)
- Cleaning the machine (internal)
- Removing fixtures (internal/external)
- Adding fixtures (internal/external)
- Calibrating the machine (internal)
- Test runs / adjusting (internal)
- Getting and returning tools (external)
SMED steps (4) and advantages
- Distinguish internal from external activities
- Convert internal to external activities
- Improve the setup activities
- Abolish the setup
- lower setup times
- higher productivity or smaller batch size
- no dedicated staff
- scheduling setups not needed
- try to reduce until it is not relevant anymore -
Pull Production definition and basic principles
Schedule on the basis of predictions
Pull: authorise based on system status
Basic Principles
- never run out of stock at any workstation
- don't have too much inventory
- Only scheduling the final stage, the rest is automatic
- Higher grades + faster learning
- Never study anything twice
- 100% sure, 100% understanding