Day - Pranayama

4 important questions on Day - Pranayama

What can you tell a student who is not able to keep the chest still?

"You can press with your left hand on your chest." If the chest still moves: "You can lay down, place your hand on your belly, focus on the hand. When you breathe in your hand goes out and when you breathe out your hand relaxes."

What is the difference between abdominal breath and full yogic breath?

Full yogic breath is an extension of abdominal breath. It enhances the intake of oxygen and it empties completely, from the bottom (bottle of water).

How many seconds do you breath in, hold and breath out, what ratio do you always use and for how long do you practise the exercise?

  • You can start easy. So the first day you breath in for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds and breath out for 8 seconds. A couple days  later you do 4, 8, 8. A couple days later 4, 12, 8. You work up to 4, 16, 8.
  • 1:4:2
  • 5 to 10 minutes.
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What are the contraindications of Anulom Vilom?

Anulom Vilom can be practiced by everyone but skip retentions if you are suffering from hypertension, anxiety or panic attacks.

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