Oral liquid preparations
18 important questions on Oral liquid preparations
What does oral dosage forms mean?
What are the pros of oral liquids?
Dose adjestment is simple ( because its a volume)
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Why are oral liquids a good alternative for tablet or capsule?
Enteral feeding tube
can be a good alternative for people with sallow problems
or when you have a tube you need liquid
It is also good when dose adjustment needed
What are the cons of oral liquids?
Properties API important for choice pharmaceutical form ( need to look at it)
Composition (and preparation) can be quite complex (looks easy )
Overdosing may occur relatively easy ( especially when a patient should take a just specific amount)
What are the target groups of oral liquid?
< 2 years solid dosage forms cannot be swallowed
Up to 7 years: difficulties swallowing solid dosage forms
Patients in nursing homes, elderly
Swallowing problems, dysphagia
Patients with enteral feeding tube
Determination of correct dose in hospital setting ‘titrating’
What is the dose determined by?
Dosage form (tablet/syrub) and administration route (oral/recta;)
Patient’s age and condition (child, elderly, organ failure)
Time when taken
- Before, after, during a meal
- Modified release
Contra-indications, hypersensitivity
Grouping oral liquids
Biopharmaceutics What is the difference of biopharmaceutics of solution and susspension?
Faster than suspention, particles and those should be absorbed
What is a typical composition of oral solutions?
Solvent(s) (co-solvent)
Preservative (in most cases)
Antioxidant (if needed)
pH adjuster (if needed) = pH range
Flavouring agent (if needed)
Colouring agent (if needed)
What water should be used in the pharmacy preparations?
Ions may result in onvereenigbaarheden
2 reasons to use purified water = micribioligical quality and chemical quality
Shelf life (stability)
when 90% of declared content
What are the parameters that determine the sheld life?
API goes a chemical reaction = degradation
Microbiological stability
If water is present = growth bacteria and fungi
Physical stability ( .. Product, no / the house that ... )
Focus on the structure of the product, for example cream
Coat of the capsule
So the house that loses its ...
How to inhibit or slow down oxidation?
Light should be avoided because light increase oxidation
less ... In flask
form complex with metal ions
metal ions are important for oxidation
take metal ions from solution to protect product
replace part of watre , less will solve in the new solvent
remove oxygenn specially from ...
fill out with nitrogen or other gas
Why Lidocaine hydrochloride oral gel FNA to patient?
Patients with problem in the stomach ( scopy/ camera looking into the stomach ) not pleasant
It takes some time to be absoorbed = less pain
Thicker product = stays longer in peseopgaus increase pH and taste correction
Typical composition oral suspensions
Viscosity and peptisator are typical exipiens for oral suspensions.
Ferrous fumarate oral suspension ex-FNA (P)
Used for animia
Aluminium = viscosity
sorbitol = sweetner
Water solube dynes
Those codes are also used in food
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