Assessment - basic considerations - Basic considerations for safe practice

6 important questions on Assessment - basic considerations - Basic considerations for safe practice

Where dependent safe practice on?

Where can infection and communicable disease can lead to?

Cooperation and effort of each member of the dental team

Lead to:
  • illness
  • disability
  • loss of work time

Define standars precautions

When do you apply standard precautions to contact

  • Meant to protect healthcare providers and patients from pathogens spread by body fluids
  • For all patients

  • blood
  • saliva
  • non intact skin (injured or broken skin)
  • mucous membranes

What is the origin of microorganisms of the oral cavity (6p)?

  • I utero, the oral cavity is sterile (free of bacteria)
  • After birth (first 24 hrs) - simple oral flora develops
  • Transmission to infant from mother, father, family members, caretakers
  • Much of the salivary bacteria comes from the dorsum of the tongue, otherwise - mucous membrane, gingival and periodontal tissues
  • High count of microorganisms found in dental biofilm, periodontal tissues
  • High count of microorganisms found in dental biofilm, periodontal pockets and carious lesions
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What is the infection potential from microorganisms of the oral cavity (4p)?

  • Intact mucous membranes provide protection against infection
  • Carries
    • pathogenic (disease producing), potentially pathogenic and non-pathogenic microorganisms can be found in the oral cavity
    • asymptomatic carrier - patients could be carriers of certain diseases without any symptoms
  • Transient organisms - short term
  • Inappropriate work practice

What is the cross-contamination of the microorganisms of the oral cavity?

Spread of microorganisms from one source to another
    • person to person
    • person to object
    • object to another person

Which factors can you teach the patient about prevention of transmission?

  • Virus survival
  • Need for health history to be updated
  • Oral health to overall systemic health
  • Preparation prior to appointment
    • brush teeth, pre- procedural pre-rinse to lower the bacterial count and thus lessen aerosol contamination in the treatment room
    • Purpose of barriers (visor, mask, etc)
    • Eye Protection
    • Hand hygiene

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