Assessing plaque - The pellicle

3 important questions on Assessing plaque - The pellicle

What is a pellicle?

How thick is a pellicle and where does it depends on?

Is a thin tough film of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids. It's a interface between tooth and outside world

It varies in thickness ( 100 to 1000 nm) depending on natural cleansing by speaking, chewing, swallowing
→ ticker at the marginal gingiva

How long does it take for the pellicle to emerges?

Acquired enamel pellicle adsorption of protein layer from the saliva to...?

What happens after formation of the pellicle? And where does it depend on?

  • Emerges within 30 to 90 minutes after eruption or (complete) removal of soft and hard deposits on teeth

The saliva to
  • the tooth surface (enamel is very strong adhesion)
  • exposed dentin, the mucosa and dental materials

After formation the initial adhesion of bacteria can start
  • proporties depending on
    • the lower layer (tooth enamel, epithelial cells)
    • the location relative to salivary gland's exits

What is the importance of the pellicle?

How can pellicle be removed?

Which extrinsic factors can affect the pellicle formation

Role in oral health
  • protection
    • remineralization
    • incorporation of acids (demineralization)
  • Lubrication
    • keeping the tooth and mucosa surface moist (helps with eating and speaking)
  • Niche for bacteria
    • starting point for biofilm formation
  • Attachment site for tarter
    • site of attachment for 1 particular type of tartar

The pellicle can be removed by rigorous polishing method

  • abrasive toothpaste
  • whitening products
  • acidic beverages or acidic foods

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