Assessment - basic considerations

5 important questions on Assessment - basic considerations

What happens during the BASESLINE ASSESMENT

  • Unmet human needs are identified
  • Afterwards ...
  • DHD is established
  • Planning
  • Implementation
  • Evaluation of hygiene care
  • All this addresses the patient's unmet human need

What is rationale for the extraoral and intraoral examination

Early identification of abnormalities and pathologies
May reveal signs of:
  • thyroid disorders
  • eating disorders
  • nutritional deficiencies
  • sexually transmitted diseases
  • Systemic conditions

Name the anatomic landmarks of the oral mucosa and also explain them.

  • Masticatory mucosa
    • covers the gingiva and hard palate, the areas most used during the mastication of food
    • except for the free margin of the gingiva, the masticatory mucosa is firmly attached to underlying tissues
    • the normal epithelial covering is keratinized
  • Lining mucosa
    • covers the inner surfaces of the lips and cheeks,  floor of the mouth, underside of the tongue, soft palate and alveolar mucosa
    • these tissues are not firmly attached to underlying tissue
    • the epithelial covering is not keratinized
  • Specialized mucosa
    • covers the dorsum (upper surface) of the tongue
    • composed of many papillae; some contain taste buds
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What is the difference between signs and symptoms?

  • is any abnormality identified while examining a patient
  • is an objective symptom
  • examples;
    • observable changes such as color, shape , consistency, or abnormal findings revealed using a probe, explorer, radiograph, or other instrument for disease detection

  • is any departure form normal that may be indicative of disease
  • is a subjective abnormality that can be observed by the patient
  • examples;
    • pain, tenderness, and bleeding

Explain what health vs disease have to do with signs and symptoms

  • A specific objective for patient examination as a part of the complete assessment is the recognition of deviations from normal that mat be sings or symptoms of disease
  • General signs ad symptoms may occur in various disease conditions. Example:
    • fever or increase in body temperature accompanies most infections
  • A specific sign or symptom is unique to a disease and may be to distinguish that condition from other  diseases or conditions

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