Attention and its effects on stimulus processing - Neural effects of attentions to nonspatial stimulus attributes

5 important questions on Attention and its effects on stimulus processing - Neural effects of attentions to nonspatial stimulus attributes

What is processing negativity

One effect of attention observed in this paradigm is a prolonged negative wave

The feature attention effects is a sustained negative wave over the posterior (parieto-occipital) scalp beginning at 150 ms after the stimulus what is this called?

Selection negativity

What is the feature similarity gain model

Attentional modulation of the amplitude of sensory neuron's response depends on the similarity of the feature of te currently relevant target and the feature preference of that neuron
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Which brain areas are relatively specialised for the processing of houses and buildings

Medial and anterior temporal lobe area

How can the recording of the brain be used in attention research

To examine how attention influences stimulus processing during visual attention task

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