Attention and its effects on stimulus processing

9 important questions on Attention and its effects on stimulus processing

Define exogenous attention (also called reflexive attention)

Numerous stimuli arise from events or conditions in our everyday environment attract automatically attention

What is it called when stimuli attract attention from the environment


What are the two perspectives of Neuroscientific approaches to studying attention

  1. Investigating how the neural processing of stimuli are modulated by attention under different circumstances
  2. determining the sets of higher-level control regions of the brain that coordinate this modulation, and the mechanisms by which they do so
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What is meant with attentional control

This modulate a stimulus processing are brought about and coordinated in the brain and to examine the idea that specific set of brain regions might work together as part of an overarching attentional control system

Explain the mismatch negativity (MMN)

Deviant auditory stimuli is a stream of otherwise identical sounds produce a negative wave peaking at about 150 t0 200 ms after the deviant stimulus

What is the key brain region for processing the motion of visual stimuli

Area M+ in the lateral occipital lobe

What happens in a shadowing task

You hear two story simultaneously but you have to pay attention to one and not the other

What is the attentional blink

When you see letter and one has a different colour you are less likely to see the letter next to it

Late attention effects might extend back to V1 in some cases and not others why is this

It could be greater need to extract more detailed information for tasks that are more demanding, such as when stimuli are closely spaced.

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