Major subdivisions of the central nervous system - the ventricular system

4 important questions on Major subdivisions of the central nervous system - the ventricular system

Anticipatory activation of neurons during arm movement planning has been observed a number of premotor areas. Which areas?

Premotor, supplementary motor, dorsolateral prefrontal and parietal cortices

Eeg recordings from medial frontal electrodes show a pronounced negative wave that begins up to several seconds in advance of the actual movement. What is this called?

The readiness potential

Neurons in the posterior parietal cortex, frontal eye field, supplementary eye fields, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and even superior colliculus were all found to be modulated by what?

The strength of the motion stimulus favouring a particular eye movement respons
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What is the bias of the motor system

Biological motivation such as acquiring rewards or avoiding punishments

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