Sensory systems and perception: auditory, mechanical, and chemical senses - The mechanosensory systems

5 important questions on Sensory systems and perception: auditory, mechanical, and chemical senses - The mechanosensory systems

What is the pain and temperature system also called and what does it do?

Nociceptive system; warms of potentially harmful mechanical or terminal stimuli

Under which system does receptors cutaneous/subcutaneous and receptors of the proprioceptive system

Somatosensory system

Where does the ascending pathway begin?

The central processes of neurons in dorsal root anglia which enter the spinal cord, running upwards to the thalamus
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How is the perception of initiated and how are these receptors called

Free nerve endings in the skin and deeper tissues. They are called nocicepreceptors

Where do nociceptors nerve endings arise

Cell bodies in dorsal root ganglia

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