Sustainable business models - Lecture: Competencies for sustainable entrepreneurship

15 important questions on Sustainable business models - Lecture: Competencies for sustainable entrepreneurship

*What is sustainable entrepreneurship ? - practice based

Sustainability means that resource utilization should not deplete existing (natural) capital. That is, resources should not be used at a rate faster than the rate of replenishment, and waste generation should not exceed the carrying capacity of the surrounding ecosystem

*What are the four key competencies for sustainable entrepreneurship?

  • (technical) skills
  • Knowledge about sustainable solutions
  • Interpersonal skills to interact with
  • An ethical attitude

In short:  change agents who have certain competencies

What are sustainable change agents?

Actively promoting sustainability across all kinds of contexts
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What are the six compentencies for sustianbale entrepreneurship?

  • Foresighted thinking competence
  • Normative competence
  • Strategic action competence
  • Systems thinking competence
  • Diversity competence
  • Interpersonal competence

What is 'Interpersonal competence'?

The ability to motivate, enable, and facilitate collaborative and participartory sustainability activities and research.

What is " Diversity competence?

The ability to structure relationships, spot issues, and recognize the legitimacy to other viewpoints is a business decision-making process: be it about the environment, social and economic issues.

you have to work with different people

What is 'systems thinking competence'?

The ability to identify and analyse all relevant systems across different domains and disciplines, including their boundaries.

What is ' strategic action competence'?

The ability to collectively design projects, implement interventions, transitions and strategies. Translate these strategies to responsible actions for the improvement of the sustainability of social-ecological systems.

What is ' Normative competence'?

The ability to map, apply, and reconcile sustainability values, principles, and targets with internal and external stakeholders, without embracing any given norm but based on the good character of the one who is involved in sustainability issues

What is the 'foresighet thinking competence?

The ability to collectively analyse, evaluate, and craft “pictures” of the future in which the impact of local and/or short-term decisions on environmental, social, and economic issues is viewed on a global/cosmopolitan scale and in the long term

* How can you connect key competencies to the principles of the effectuation theory? - Bird in hand

  • All competencies--> being aware of your own competencies

* How can you connect key competencies to the principles of the effectuation theory? - Affordable loss

Foresighted thinking competencies --> analyse, evaluate and craft pictures of the future on the expected impact

* How can you connect key competencies to the principles of the effectuation theory? - Crazy quilt

  • Diversity competence --> co-creation together with people with all kinds of backgrounds and perspectives
  • Normative competence --> work together with others in mapping, applying and reconciling sustainability values. Trusts others.

* How can you connect key competencies to the principles of the effectuation theory? - Lemonade

  • Straegic action competence --> collectively design projects, implement interventions, transitional and strategies, herby improving the sustainability of social-ecological systems. It is about action and embracing suprsises.

* How can you connect key competencies to the principles of the effectuation theory? - Pilot in the plane

  • Strategic action competence --> Again collective action is key in this competence. Specific for the pilot in the plane is taking steps that are controllable

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