Lecture: Creativity and the business idea

5 important questions on Lecture: Creativity and the business idea

How does creavity starts? Which problems can be identified?

It starts with problem identification and solves this problem with an innovative idea.

Types of problems:
  • The function
  • The usage
  • The economical/ecological/social impact

What is entrepreneurial creativity?

See a problem that you might be able to solve and convince the consumers.

What is meant with 'labels' regarding innovation?

Do use the right language, you same to speak the same meaning of terms. Validation of terms with your consumers.
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What are 4 sources of innovation?

  • Existing products
    • Add functionality
  • Technological innovation
    • Scientific results, patents
  • Existing user needs and problems
    • end-users, societal groups etc.
  • Global change
    • Sustainable development goals

What are the 3 types of jobs customers can execute?

  • Functional: Relieve hunger, nutritious, easy to eat
  • Emotional: Tasty, a treat
  • Social: environmentally conscious

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