Customer discovery and validation - Lecture: Customer validation and the MOM test

8 important questions on Customer discovery and validation - Lecture: Customer validation and the MOM test

What is reason for Customer validation?

Have I built something that people want?

What are the 3 steps of 'the customer discovery process'?

  1. Start with a customer value proposition
    1. Does value proposition match customer segment
  2. Develop a product for 'the few', not everyone; who need most?
  3. Get Market feedback in every step you take
    1. mom test
    2. Build a 'minimum viable product' MVP

What is the correct mindset for your value proposition?

  • Listen
  • inquisitve (nieuwsgierig)
  • Be involved in world customers
  • network
  • Mingle with customers
  • Invest time and resource in your customer first
  • Higher grades + faster learning
  • Never study anything twice
  • 100% sure, 100% understanding
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How do get to value for customer insights?

  • Finding out whether there is a problem to solve
  • Focusing on custom pains and gains
  • Pivot accordingly

What is a User Persona?

Fake customer, to make customer moer real live.

Helps for VPC

What are the two main problems with the data?

  • Wrong data
  • Wrong behaviour

What are the three golden rules for the Mom test?

  1. Past
  2. fact
  3. specific

How many interviews for customer discovery?

Until you get to a point where you hear the same answer- no, really new information.

Usually around 15-25 interviews.

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