Lecture: Value proposition Development

24 important questions on Lecture: Value proposition Development

What is value proposition ?

Describes the benefits customers can expect from your products and service.

What can you say about the history of value proposition?

Emphasis on the buyer (Apple event)

What are the four categorie of value proposition?

  1. Social benefits (' I am with')
  2. Functional benefits ('I get')
  3. Self-expressive benefits ('I am')
  4. Emotional benefits ('I feel')
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Why apply segmentation?

Segments define the number of groups and organizations the company aims to reach and approach:
  • Relevant VP
  • Adjust go-to-market strategies

What is the goal of market segmentation?

  • A broad and strategic approach
    • Understand the market landscape
    • Understand where we are doing the business
    • Identify and prioritize attractive market segments

What is the goal of customer segmentation?

  • Tactical approach/ different per company type
    • Identify the needs and drives of our customer
    • Identify a valuable segment
    • Identify  the criteria customers use to make their purchase
    • Identify their willingness to pay (wtp)

Why do some value propositions fail (startups)? 4 reasons

  • Customer segment is not well defined
  • Wording is ambiguous
  • The value is not unique
  • Confusing supporters with customers

What are the 3 elements of customer segmentation?

  • Behaviours: like buying frequency
  • Needs
  • Demographics

What is the top reason that startups fail?

"No market need", work on assumptions -> get I wrong.

What are the 3 elements of the Customer segment (canvas)?

  • Gains and benefits
  • Pain and risks
  • Jobs and task

What are the two main elements of the Value proposition Canvas?

  • Value proposition
  • Customer profile

What is the meaning of 'Gains and benefits'?

What business segment will grow and develop by using your products and services

What is the meaning of ' Pains and risk'?

Which challenges and problems are urgent issues? Are there technical, commercial or economic challenges?

What is the meaning of 'Jobs and tasks'?

What is the core business? And what is new product development? What is the sales funnel?

What is the meaning of 'gain creators'?

How will customers benefit by using your products and service?

What is the meaning of ' Pain relievers'?

How will you help your customer to solve problems and challenges?

What is the meaning of 'Products and services?

Which mix of tools and support will offer to a specific customer?

When do you have a match(fit!) between needs and your offer? -> value for customers

If your gain creators and pain relievers are translated into products and services that establish gains and relief pains in your customer core business and new developments, you have created value.

How do you develop a value proposition?

" Think like a user."

  • Listen
  • Be inquisitive (nieuwgierig)
  • Be involved in your customer world and learn from it
  • Network, talk to your network and your peers
  • Mingle with your customers, visit their markets and suppliers
  • invest time and resources in your customers first

What are 6 tools to develop your own unique value proposition?

  • Get key data on your customer and their sectors
  • analyse your competitors
  • Create experiments with minimal viable products
  • Look beyond the known world, explore different markets and applications
  • Team up with other entrepreneurs and create combine solutions, use your networks!
  • Be ready to adapt, change and tweak your products and service toward customer demands

What are 5 questions to Assess your value proposition?

  • Does it prioritize the best gains and pain reliever for quick customer delivery?
  • Is your success also customer success?
  • Are your different enough from your competitors in the eyes of your customers?
  • Can you outperform your closest competitors and does your customer know this?
  • Are your difficult to copy? Really?

How do you find customers and bin them, give 4 methods?

  • Select a market and then custom segment based on pains and gains you can tackle
  • Find influencers and recommenders as launching customers and bind them through additional benefits
  • Focus on decision-makers
  • Group customer based on usage, channels or desired customer relationships, bring them together and find common agendas

What are the pros of Value proposition?

  • The vpc results in focus and direction
  • Raises customer engagement
  • Results in the right kind of messaging and effect marketing

What are the cons of value proposition ?

  • Overloading with customer segments, too many segments
  • Can lead to inventing customer to suit products
  • Costly process

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