Physiology of Exercise - Oxygen cost of work

4 important questions on Physiology of Exercise - Oxygen cost of work

For normal people there is a lineair relationship between the work rate and steady-state oxygen consumption. What is this relationship on a cycle ergometer?

10mL/min/W in normal people

What effect has body weight on the relationship between work rate and steady-state oxygen consumption?

The diagram shows an upward displacement of 5.8ml/min/kg.

So VO2 is influenced by body weight

Which mechanisms could explain the slow increase of VO2 following steady state VO2?

- More muscle are contracting
- More vasodilation, thus increasing O2 flow and O2 consumption
- During heavy work more low efficiency fast twitch muscle fibers are recruited
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What is the critical power?

The average power that can be maintained during a specific time period. For example you have a critical power of 320 W at a time period of 60 minutes and a critical power of 400 W at a time period of 30 minutes. 
The critical power is the line that can be drawn throught these points. This relationship is hyperbolic.

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