Cell Metabolism - Energy storage and use: metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins

7 important questions on Cell Metabolism - Energy storage and use: metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins

When does the body use fats and proteins as an energy source?

When glucose is scarce and needs to be conserved.

What is gluconeogenesis and what sources does it use?

Gluconeogenesis is the synthesis of new glucose molecules from non-carbohydrate precursors, which is carried put by the liver.
It uses the following sources:
  • Glycerol, which is produced by breaking down triglycerides.
  • Lactate (1st converted into pyruvate then implemented in glycolysis)
  • Amino acids, which can be produced by the breakdown of proteins.
These products go through glycolysis in reverse to generate glucose.

What is beta oxidation and where does it take place?

It is the catabolism of fatty acids to acetyl CoA and it occurs in the mitochondrial matrix.
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Why are fats known as high-calorie foods?

Because a gram of fat yields more energy than a gram of glucose or other carbohydrates.

What is deamination and what does it produce?

It is the removal of an amino group (-NH2). It produces ammonia (NH3, toxic) which is carried through the bloodstream to the liver, where it is converted into urea. Urea is eliminated by the kidneys.

By what is cell metabolism regulated?

By chemical messengers such as insulin.

When is insulin released and what does it do?

When blood glucose level rises. It promotes energy storage in adipocytes by increasing glucose and fatty acid uptake into the cells, and it activates 4 enzymes that convert glucose and fatty acids to triglycerides.

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