Phase Equilibria in Igneous Systems - Simple Binary Systems wth no Solid Solutions
4 important questions on Phase Equilibria in Igneous Systems - Simple Binary Systems wth no Solid Solutions
What is the difference between equilibrium and fractional crystallisation?
Fractional crystallisation: crystals are removed or prevented from being in equilibrium with the melt from which they form. (Open system)
-this effectively changes the bulk composition, depleting it of the phasethat is separating.
-step-wise or continuous, but effect is always to produce liquids with composition closer to the eutectic.
What gives a porphyritic texture in magma?
What gives a Vitrophyric texture in magma?
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What are eutectic intergrowths?
- Ophitic texture: plagioclase laths embedded in large single pyroxene crystals.
- Graphic granite: quartz grains embedded in single alkali feldspar crystals, forming shapes that resemble characters of cuneiform (wedge-shaped) writing.
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