Consumer markets and buyer behavior - Buying decision behavior and the buyer decision process - The buyer decision process

7 important questions on Consumer markets and buyer behavior - Buying decision behavior and the buyer decision process - The buyer decision process

How can a need be triggered?

By internal stimuli (when normal needs change to a drive)
by external stimuli ( chatting with friends or family might get you thinking about buying a product)

Why does the consumer seacrh for info in the second stage of the buying process?

Because the consumer is motivated to search for more info about the product. For example when you buy a car you will look for car ads, websites etc.

What happens in the alternative stage?

The consumers use the information to evaluate alternative brands
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What factors influence the purchase process?

The attitude of others and unexpected situational factors

What happens when there is a unexpected situational factor in play?

This when something unexpected happend, like for example the consumers income has risen or the price is higher than expected.

What happens in the post purchase behavior process?

After the consumer has purchased the product the tkae further action based on the satisfaction or disatisfaction. It also has to do with consumer expactations and perceived performance

What happens  with a consumer in the adoption process?

It is the mental process they go through when they first learn a about innovation to final adoption

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