Consumer markets and buyer behavior - Characteristics Affecting consumer behavior - Psychological

6 important questions on Consumer markets and buyer behavior - Characteristics Affecting consumer behavior - Psychological

What are the four major psychological factors that influnece a person buying decision?

  • Motivation
  • perception
  • learning
  • beliefs and attitudes

What must marketers do when there is selective attention?

They must work extremly hard to attract the customers attention

Why is selective retention important ?

Because the consumers are more likely to remmber good points about a brand they favour and forget good about a competing brand.
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Why can a cue be important for marketers?

Because cues are minor stimuli that determine when, how, where the person responds

Why are marketers interested in Beliefs of the customers?

Because the beliefs make up product and brand image that affects the consumers buying behavior.

Why is attitude an important aspect in marketing?

Because attitudes put people into the mind of disliking or liking a product, moving towards or away from them.

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